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Element Title Ribbons are HERE!

A huge "THANK YOU" to our ribbon vendor, Clearview Ribbon Company for creating these beautiful Element Title ribbons for us.

As a reminder, we are issuing these ribbons retroactively. Thus, if you earned an Element title in the past, expect an Element Title ribbon in the mail!

However, we want to ensure everyone receives their ribbons! Therefore, please login to your CSW account to double-triple check that your mailing address is correct. You may do this by logging in and clicking the MY ACCOUNT icon. If you need to update your address, simply click on EDIT PROFILE to make the change.

To give everyone time to update their information, we will begin mailing out these Element Title ribbons next week.

There are even MORE exciting developments in the works, so be sure to stay tuned.

Happy Training!


Create your account, register your dog and submit your entry - get started on the fun today!

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